Decatur Kids

Ages 0 - 5th Grade

Kid's Church

Here at Decatur Church of God we love our children! We prioritize their learning and faith on every level. We know that God has given us a joyous opportunity and an awesome responsibility to help them grow, develop Christian values, and come to know and love Jesus Christ.

Age Groups

To help us accomplish this, we have a number of exciting ministries designed especially for children.

Sunday Nursery | 9:00 AM

Baby (Ages 0-2 1/2): Nursery #1
Preschool (2 1/2 - 4): Nursery #3

Sunday School | 9:00 AM

Preschool-2nd Grade: Classroom #2
3rd – 5th Grade: Classroom #3

Sunday | 10:10 AM

(Preschool - 5th grade): Student Ministry Center

2nd Wednesday of each month I 6:30 PM

Wednesday Night Live
(Preschool - 5th grade): Fellowship Hall

Baby and Toddler Nursery

Here we have dedicated volunteers who will love on your child while you grow your faith during the service. Toddlers will have their own lesson, playtime, and a snack.

Sunday School

Just like you, your child(ren) have their very own Sunday School Classes. These classes are divided up by grade to get a focused lesson just for them, and what they are needing to learn to grow their faith. Each class will have a lesson, activity, and a snack.

KID’S Church

This is your child’s very own church time! This will be a fun and exciting learning time geared towards them! The children will be released from the sanctuary after worship and will be in the Student Ministry Center at the other end of the church. Parents will pick up their children in the SMC after the service.

Wednesday Night Live

Our Wednesday Night Church program is designed to help strengthen your child’s faith and foundation in Jesus Christ. Kids will have group activities, a small group lesson, snacks, games, and crafts. This one hour a week will help prepare your child as a lifelong believer in Jesus.