Our Logo
What is a logo? It seems like a pretty straightforward answer, right? It’s the public image of an organization. Done, easy! But what if I told you that it is much more than that? What if a logo had the power to communicate our mission and vision as well as identify us as a Church? I believe that is the case…for me, everything teaches. This is a common phrase that I use constantly with our staff and leaders here at the Decatur Church of God.
Many may have questions like:
-Why does your logo look the way is does?
-Why did you choose the elements that are there?
-Shouldn’t your logo only represent where your church is located?
These are all good questions! And I can’t wait for you to discover their answers.
Our logo should teach something about who we are and it should beg questions about its parts and pieces. Conversation is the starting point of every relationship we form, and conversation is how Jesus reaches us and the world around us. I love that our logo generates conversation. For us as a church, this logo has the built-in opportunity to express to others what our church is about in a visual way! So, let’s walk through it!